Opening your heart and home to bless Israel

Our Mission

Host Israelis is a network of Israel-friendly believers who host Israeli travelers in their homes for a few nights at no cost to their guests, motivated by a desire to bless Israel through their sacrificial service and to provide a positive witness of the Gospel.

Meidän tehtävämme

”Host Israelis” Finland on mukana Israel-ystävällisten uskovien muodostamassa verkostossa, joka majoittaa israelilaisia matkailijoita muutaman yön ajan kodissaan ilman vieraille siitä aiheutuvia kustannuksia. Motiivina majoittamiseen on siunata Israelia tällä vapaaehtoispalvelulla ja antaa myönteinen todistus evankeliumista. Liity verkostoon jo tänään, painamalla tästä alla olevasta "Apply Today" painikkeesta ja tekemällä hakemus. Voit kirjoittaa hakemuksesi niin HALUTESSASI MYÖS SUOMEKSI. Alla on lisätietoa englanniksi.

Join our
Growing Network
of Hosts

Why Host Israelis?

Israeli research suggests that 40,000 young Israelis travel the world for an average of six months following their mandatory army service before they begin college or their careers. For this reason, we maintain a thriving ministry in New Zealand, and now we’re branching out into Australia, India, Brazil, and the United States–all hotspots where young Israelis flock.

If you are not able to be a regular host and have Israelis stay with you overnight, you may wish to be a day host. As a day host you may offer to share a coffee or a meal. You may offer Israelis to use your laundry or have a shower. Perhaps you can orient them to your town and even give them a tour. There are many ways you can help to welcome Israelis who are visiting your area.

We invite you to join this global movement of Christians hosting Israeli travelers. Please watch the video below to learn more.

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Miksi majoittaa israelilaisia

Israelilaiset tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että noin 40 000 nuorta israelilaista matkustaa ympäri maailmaa, keskimäärin kuuden kuukauden ajan pakollisen armeijan palveluksensa jälkeen ennen kuin he aloittavat yliopiston tai työuransa. Tästä syystä ylläpidämme menestyvää palvelutyötä Uudessa-Seelannissa, ja nyt olemme laajentaneet toimintaamme Australiaan, Intiaan, Brasiliaan ja Yhdysvaltoihin – kaikkiin suosittuihin matkakohteisiin, joihin nuoret israelilaiset ryntäävät.

Jos et pysty toimimaan tavallinena isäntänä, jollin israelilaisten on mahdollista yöpyä luonasi, voit halutessasi myös olla päiväisäntä. Päiväisäntänä voit tarjota kahvin tai aterian matkalaiselle. Voit tarjota israelilaisille vieraille mahdollisuutta pesemään pyykkinsä tai käydä suihkussa. Ehkä voit opastaa heidät kaupunkiisi ja jopa antaa heille opastetun kierroksen. On monia tapoja, joilla voit auttaa vieraita ja toivottaa alueellasi vierailevia israelilaisia tervetulleeksi.

Kutsumme sinut liittymään tähän maailmanlaajuiseen kasvavaan kristittyjen liikkeeseen monien muiden israelilaisia matkailijoita isännöivien uskovien ihmisten kanssa. Katso alla oleva video saadaksesi lisätietoja. Jos video ei ala toimimaan, sinun pitää hyväksyä evästeet tällä verkkosivustolla. Etsi osittain piilotettu HALLINNOINTI SUOSTUMUS -painike tämän verkkosivuston oikeasta alakulmasta. Napsauta painiketta avataksesi ponnahdusikkunan ja napsauta HYVÄKSY. Tämän jälkeen sinun on ehkä päivitettävä selaimesi.

Application Process

computer application

Fill out the online application.


We will request references from those who know you well.


We will set up an interview with you.


We will let you know if it looks like a good fit.

video player

You will be given access to our online training videos.

pin on map

You set up your listing on the app and make it active.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! If you apply and decide later that you’re not ready or have to suspend your hosting, that’s not a problem. You can suspend your hosting at any time. Rest assured, nobody will show up on your doorstep unannounced! Your address will not be public.

It’s up to you. You are in full control of your schedule and are not obligated to say “yes” to every request. Many new hosts start slow until they gain some experience and are better able to gauge their comfort level. In any case, Israeli travelers understand you have a real life and are usually very gracious even when you are not able to receive them.

It’s up to you. The typical stay is somewhere between 1 and 3 days, or longer by arrangement. Some hosts have found it helpful to underpromise and overdeliver. These hosts will promise their guests one or two nights and then decide later to offer more days once they’ve had a chance to meet their guests. Usually this works out well, but again, you’re in complete control of your schedule and what you’re comfortable with.

No, but we do take other precautions to screen travelers before giving them access to our network of hosts.

We verify the identity of Israeli travelers. They are required to upload a photo of themselves and also a photo of their passport. We compare the two to ensure that they are who they say they are (like TSA screening at the airport).

 We recommend that you “meet” your guest before giving your address. We recommend that you schedule a brief (10-minute) video chat on WhatsApp with your prospective guest before giving them your address and agreeing to host them. This is also a great way to break the ice and start building a friendship!

 We plan to share this network by word-of-mouth. Rather than publicize our network to the general public in Israel, we plan to spread it by word-of-mouth through our staff, friends, and ministry partners in Israel. We believe this offers some protection and a better outcome.

 We recognize that Israelis often police themselves. “Good” Israelis will not want to share this opportunity with “bad” Israelis because they don’t want this special network to be spoiled by a few rotten apples.

In the end, we take some precautions, but we cannot make any guarantees.

No. Most of your Israeli guests will be proficient in English. Those who are not are usually traveling with someone who is. If you host multiple guests, you’ll notice that most will speak to one another in English when you’re present, as a courtesy.

No, you’re not expected to provide any meals, let alone kosher meals. Although it’s not an expectation, we highly recommend you offer coffee or a meal if you can. These are some of the best times to connect with your guests. Also, it’s very bonding to cook a meal together. Let them teach you an Israeli dish or teach them a local dish, it will be a very rewarding experience. Guests who keep kosher will not expect you to so that’s not something you need to worry about. Like you would with any guest, it would be considerate to ask if they have any dietary restrictions. You can follow their lead from there.

Maybe! You might be on the route from one destination to another. Israelis spend months in the US and will venture way off the beaten path for an experience. We would encourage you to put yourself on the map and see what happens!

Unfortunately, no. You must have a private room to offer your guests. If you don’t have a private room, let’s talk about your setup. Your home should be safe and comfortable. Access to WiFi is strongly encouraged as your guests will want to communicate with family and make further travel plans using the internet. Access to laundry is not required, but would be a real blessing to your guest.

Yes! The website and mobile application Israelis will use to find hosts on our network states clearly that hosts are believers in Jesus who love and want to bless Israel through the gift of hospitality. In addition, our hosting network will spread by word-of-mouth among Israelis. They will tell their friends about this network of Christian hosts who love Israel and give them a free place to stay during their travels!

Yes! Although, hosts are expected to provide a safe, clean, comfortable and welcoming environment for their guests; nothing more. If the Lord prompts you to share the Gospel or discuss faith-related topics, by all means do so. Once you are approved as a host, we will provide host training videos as well as a follow-up online seminar with a live trainer and a handful of your peers (other new hosts undergoing training). We want you to succeed as hosts in becoming a sweet aroma, a winsome witness of the Lord and his goodness. We are praying for you in your calling to make Israel envious for your life in Messiah (Romans 11:11).

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